$100,000 USD
Estimated reward pool in INFRAX token.
1st June - 15th June
15th June - 29th June
Staking Contract successfully returned to infraX, with proof posted.
Staking Integration complete and integrated in FE/BE.
Documents released relating to best Staking practises.
APY’s, Lock Durations and rewards documented and released.
Staking Officially Released.
30th June - July
Continuous testing and feedback conducted throughout June with weaknesses and improvements prioritised for July Roadmap. Including but not limited to:
Balancing contract initiated enabling platform monetisation.
Platform revenue funelled into Staking Rewards, bolstering APY's.
infraX in-house App production increased, boasting more extensive Apps.
Aggressive Marketing campaign initiated with focus on infraX Platform: Videos, images, tutorials, documents and more pushed.

Native Token Staking
1st June - 15th June
Staking in Infrax happens in INFRAX coin. This ensures rewards stay within our ecosystem, enhancing value and stability.
DApp Revamp initiated with periodic updates released.
DApp is released in its preliminary phase. This Includes a fully functional and free Platform, including: Job submissions, User Node integrations, App creation, Profile integration.
Minimum Lock-In Period
1st June - 15th June
A 30-day minimum lock-in maximizes your rewards and promotes long-term engagement.
DApp Revamp initiated with periodic updates released.
DApp is released in its preliminary phase. This Includes a fully functional and free Platform, including: Job submissions, User Node integrations, App creation, Profile integration.

Competitive Reward Rates
1st June - 15th June
Rewards on the Infrax Initial Staking Contract start at a fantastic initial reward rate of 32.5%, adjusting down logarithmically over time to really reward early backers, and yield sustainable harvests to infrax holders in the coming months.
DApp Revamp initiated with periodic updates released.
DApp is released in its preliminary phase. This Includes a fully functional and free Platform, including: Job submissions, User Node integrations, App creation, Profile integration.

Custom Safety Mechanisms
1st June - 15th June
A segregated stake and reward pool, and custom emergency safety withdrawl functions for stakers ensures trustless confidence for holders in the event of any unintended behaviours.
DApp Revamp initiated with periodic updates released.
DApp is released in its preliminary phase. This Includes a fully functional and free Platform, including: Job submissions, User Node integrations, App creation, Profile integration.
15th June - 29th June
Staking Contract successfully returned to infraX, with proof posted.
Staking Integration complete and integrated in FE/BE.
Documents released relating to best Staking practises.
APY’s, Lock Durations and rewards documented and released.
Staking Officially Released.
30th June - July
Continuous testing and feedback conducted throughout June with weaknesses and improvements prioritised for July Roadmap. Including but not limited to:
Balancing contract initiated enabling platform monetisation.
Platform revenue funelled into Staking Rewards, bolstering APY's.
infraX in-house App production increased, boasting more extensive Apps.
Aggressive Marketing campaign initiated with focus on infraX Platform: Videos, images, tutorials, documents and more pushed.